A Policeman
by MADELINE - Canada
I suppose being a transvestite and a policeman re- presents the ultimate in incongruity. Nevertheless, I have been a transvestite since I was a child and a police- man for about 10 years.
I expect that being a TV must influence, in some way, the manner in which I perform my duties. The only thing I can think of which could possibly be attributed to being TV is that I am adverse to violence. Without being thought immodest, I hope, I can say that I am re- garded as being an efficient policeman. I have had to arrest many men for most crimes except murder. I have on two occasions stood on the wrong end of guns and talked myself out of this unenviable position. I have never had to strike a man whilst doing my duty, Have never drawn or fired my gun. I feel quite proud of this but must add that although I know other policemen with similar records I am, as far as I know, the only TV cop around.
I am said to have a very persuasive manner and it is probably this which makes it possible for me to do my work without the unpleasantness which John Q. Public normally associates with policemen. I have a good knowledge of human nature. I am a graduate nurse, have done postgraduate psychiatric nursing and studied psychology.